How to use

1. Acquire Flagship Bot Ai Tokens: Before you can unlock the capabilities of the CryptoInsight Bot, ensure you hold at least 10,000 Flagship Bot Ai tokens. If you haven't yet acquired them, do so smoothly on Flagship Bot Ai Presale

2. Access the Bot on Telegram: Head to our Telegram bot Flagship Bot Ai to get started. Simply type `/start` to initialize the bot.

3. Undergo Verification: For first-time users, the bot will prompt a one-time verification step. Here, you'll need to provide your BSC address. This ensures that only our exclusive token holders can tap into the bot's premium insights and services.

4. Choose a Cryptocurrency: Once verified, you can select your desired cryptocurrency for analysis. Let the bot handle the heavy analytical lifting!

5. Receive Expert Analytical Insights: Instead of wading through complex charts, receive clear, expert-driven technical analyses. Dive deep into metrics like Bollinger Bands, RSI, VMA, EMA, and MACD, all enhanced with GPT-3's analytical prowess. It's akin to having a crypto oracle by your side.

6. Engage in Interactive AI Chats: Want an on-demand crypto consultant? Engage in interactive dialogues with our AI! Ask questions, clarify doubts, or delve into crypto trend explorations. With GPT-3 backing, our AI ensures you're always at the forefront of crypto intelligence.